我们很高兴在迪克森附近为我们的客户服务, TN through our convenient office located on East College Street right outside historic downtown 迪克森. 了解下面我们的团队,点击阅读更多关于 迪克森办公室的历史.
Michelle Balsley,注册会计师,CIA, CGMA
(615) 375-5171
米歇尔是公司合伙人和迪克森办公室总经理. 她毕业于西弗吉尼亚大学, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree and a Master of Professional Accountancy degree. 在她25年以上的职业生涯中, 她曾在四大会计师事务所和私人会计师事务所工作, 专注于各种行业,包括非营利组织, 建设, 银行, 经纪人/经销商, 健康保险, 员工福利计划, 和制造业. 米歇尔是田纳西州和明尼苏达州的注册会计师, 注册内部审计师, and a Certified Global Management Accountant and is a member of her licensors’ various professional societies. 在执行高质量审计和财务报告服务的过程中, she seeks to support her clients’ success through process improvements and actionable reporting transparency.
米歇尔居住在怀特布拉夫,田纳西州,是一个活跃的成员和司库圣. 伯恩斯的约翰路德教会, TN; Rotary District 6760 Assistant District Governor and Chair of the District 6760 Disaster Relief Committee; Chair of the Community Foundation for 迪克森 County Board of 董事; Chair of the Habitat for Humanity 迪克森 County Community Advisory Council; Treasurer of the Downtown 迪克森 Association; past President of the 迪克森 High Noon Rotary Club; past Board Chair, Community Volunteer Leader and Disaster Action 团队 Lead of the American Red Cross TN River Chapter; and an alumnus of the Leadership Middle Tennessee Class of 2023.
(615) 560-2177
伊恩·布里森是一名高级教师. 在Blankenship注册会计师集团担任助理,目前在报告解决方案集团工作. 他在公司有超过5年的工作经验,从税务和审计部门开始. Ian获得了田纳西理工大学的学士学位. 主要职责包括准备聘书, drafting and modernizing reports for the 审计 department and finalizing finished audit reports.
Ian is a team player with a 积极的态度 and brings integrity and flexibility to the team. 不工作时,他喜欢阅读各种类型的书籍, 玩策略游戏, 举重和打高尔夫.
(615) 446-5106
安德里亚·多伊尔 joined Blankenship CPA Group at the end of 2021 as part of the ASG and administrative teams. She has over 8 years of experience in bookkeeping and office management for businesses in the 建设 and live production industries. Andrea enjoys helping clients keep their books clean and finding technology solutions that make their organizations stronger.
安德里亚喜欢住在田纳西州. 她最喜欢的一些事情包括徒步蒙哥马利贝尔, 在乡间小路上开车, 还能看到星星.
以人为本团队成员 & Consulant
(615) 375-5170
Mindy是“以人为本”团队成员 & 顾问为内部和外部客户提供多方面的人力资源服务. Mindy is a human resources professional with extensive experience in all HR related functional areas. 她最近的职位是高级副总裁, Human Resources Director at Reliant Bank in Franklin where she helped the bank grow from 35 to over 400 employees. 作为银行领导团队的一员, 她负责招聘, 政策发展, 员工关系, 福利管理, 绩效管理, 工资, 学习与发展, 和M & 一个项目的计划和执行.
Mindy is committed to providing value-based services; anticipating and meeting the needs of her internal and external clients; producing quality solutions on agreed-upon timelines; and most importantly, 在诚信和专业的基础上建立关系.
明迪住在宾夕法尼亚州, 加州, 纽约, 自1992年以来,他就把田纳西州中部称为家. 她喜欢与家人和朋友共度时光, 阅读, 锻炼, 在厨房里做饭和烘焙.
(615) 375-5168
安妮塔劳于2010年1月加入BCPAG,担任迪克森校区的会计, 她从2002年开始在哪里提供会计服务. She has an 联系 Degree in Computer 会计 from 纳什维尔 State Technical Institute and was the valedictorian of her class.
安妮塔出生并成长在田纳西州的伯恩斯. 她参加伯恩斯基督教堂. 安妮塔喜欢读书,是一个读书俱乐部的成员. 她也喜欢与朋友和家人共度时光.
操作协调员 & 会计服务解决方案团队负责人
(615) 375-5166
梅丽莎是迪克森运营协调员和会计服务团队负责人, 自1985年以来一直服务于迪克森县地区的客户. She holds an 联系 degree in Computer 会计 from 纳什维尔 State Technical Institute and provides services to a variety of clients and industries, 包括每月记账, 工资, 以及财务报表的编制和业务, 销售, 工资税申报. 她还在整个申报季节为税务团队提供支持. 梅丽莎对细节的关注, 积极的态度, and commitment to her clients and team members has made her an indispensable member of the 迪克森 office team. 梅丽莎喜欢与家人和朋友共度时光, 福音音乐, 他是自由浸信会的活跃成员.
林赛T. 雷
Lindsey is a Senior 联系 in the Reporting Solutions Group who enjoys coming along side other team members and providing support with reporting and formatting needs. Lindsey graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with a specialty in 会计 from the University of Tennessee at Martin in 2016. She worked within the accounting/HR department at a small not-for-profit museum while obtaining her degree. 毕业后不久, Lindsey began her career in the public accounting field with a Northwest Tennessee accounting firm as an Administrative Assistant and assisted the audit team with technical reviews. In 2018, 她跳槽到另一家会计公司,成为一名助理,负责簿记工作, 工资, 协助办理税务, 必要时担任前台工作. 2020年8月, 她加入了手机赌博软件下载排行家族,目前在我们迪克森的办公室工作. 林赛和她的丈夫雅各布·雷自2009年以来一直幸福地结婚. 他们有两个漂亮、精力充沛、年轻的女儿和一只表现良好的德国谢泼德. They enjoy any and all types of music and playing outside with their girls anytime they get the chance.
“我非常高兴有机会加入并成为这样一个美妙的, wholesome group of people here at Blankenship and look forward to many years to come with the friends I have made here.” - - - - - -林赛
Anton Rees,法学博士,注册会计师
(615) 375-5169
(615) 560-2178
霍尔顿斯奈德 is an 联系 at Blankenship CPA Group working in the tax department and accounting solutions group. 霍尔顿刚从田纳西大学马丁分校毕业, 他在那里获得了学士学位,主修手机赌博软件下载排行和会计. 他主要与个人和小企业合作, 协助日常簿记等工作, 到年度纳税申报.
霍尔顿是迪克森地区的本地人,毕业于迪克森县领导学院. 他喜欢打高尔夫球和弹班卓琴.
Wm. Michael Walters,注册会计师
(615) 446-7179
迈克·沃尔特斯是迪克森办公室的名誉主任. 迈克在亨茨维尔长大, 阿拉巴马州, 10个兄弟姐妹中的老二, 1973年毕业于阿拉巴马大学. 他在Genesco做了3年的内部审计员, served as the Director of Internal 审计 for 纳什维尔 Electric Service for 3 years and then started practicing public accounting in 迪克森 in 1979. Mike曾以各种身份服务于许多当地商业和商业组织, 包括但不限于扶轮和商会. 迈克在迪克森及其周边地区与许多非营利组织和企业合作, 多年来也审计了许多城市.
迈克有3个孩子,娶了他可爱的妻子朱迪. 迈克喜欢钓鱼 & 只要有空闲时间就喜欢打高尔夫球.